I personally do not encourage having servants for household works.
This is one thing which we Indians can lookup the western world (except UK) and imitate. Irrespective of the financial status, they all do their own jobs. These are few practices which we can admire and learn from the western world.
Here the unsupportive role of men in underprivileged families is one cause for these women engage and end up in these unproductive and menial works for a living. It is sad but true. It would be better to teach a poor woman how to sew rather than asking her to clean the house. This helps her become a skilled personal in a profession and enables her to stand on her own legs. This in turn helps her kids to become an automobile mechanic instead of a glorified male/female cleaner.
This system creped into Indian society during the British Raj and is a leftover of the colonial rule which continues till today. Earlier it was the British who ruled the underclass and later the lazy Indian Landlords took over and now anyone who can afford a servant. Unfortunately the status of this class remained unchanged for centuries.
The condition of these women will continue unless they are saved from this filthy pit of 'menial jobs'. The only way out is, not to show mercy for those poor women out there but to train them hard in various other professions and that’s the only way to eradicate this underprivileged class.
Let’s believe in teaching a man/woman how to fish instead of giving a fish... :)