Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Path


darsden said...

oooh I would love to walk that path. beautiful pictures...I can hear the peace :-)) wait no I can't hear anything's peaceful, yea that's what I meant to say ..see!

claude said...

Very exotic and beautiful.

Heather said...

very nice :)

Heather said...

Lovely - would love to be there, surrounded by nature.

Anonymous said...

wow, how pretty!

I would love to walk that little path and explore. You should frame that one.


Vancouver, Canada said...

Intriguing! The Journey into the unknown is always captivating

Thanks for sharing Nara :)


Viji said...


Leaves n Flowers look their best viewed thru your lens:-).

Gives a feeling of taking a nature's trail..

Tina said...

the path in the first pic interests me. makes me want to see whats round the corner!

Strawberry Girl said...

Fantastic Photo's as always!! It is different, yet in some ways the same as where I live. :0)

Vancouver, Canada said...

Await the pics of your Native Nara! Hope your havin a lovely time & endulging in Ma's cooking..nothing ever compares to food made by the hands of a Mother :)

Sandy xx

darsden said...

yay all caught up..because I know this path :-)) would love to walk it.

Indolence is a delightful but distressing state; we must be doing something to be happy. Action is no less necessary than thought to the instinctive tendencies of the human frame.