Why is the big hue and cry in China when Dalai Lama enters Arunachal Pradesh?
Arunachal Pradesh is and always an integral part of India and Dharamsala in Himachal will continue to be a Buddhist center.
Dalai Lama being such a great Messenger Of Peace is always welcome to Arunachal.
If the chinese premiers are allowed and invited over the years to visit India why not a Spiritual Guru to his ‘own place'?
A Guru who preaches World Peace and moreover who live and consider India his home for the last few decades after his exile in 1959 by the chinese from Tibet should never be restricted anywhere irrespective of nations.
It is not china but India will decide who all are allowed to enter this nation. Deployment of Military by china across the Sino-Indian border area reflects the arrogance and attitude the autocratic rulers of china posses.
It would be better if china remembers that muscle flexing is not the order of the day and neither India the same as it was in 1962…................
India being a democratic, socialist, secular sovereign nation, the people of India is free to follow any religion and practice per their wish and will. And hence being free thinkers, India may invite Monks, Priests, Mullahs and Pastors from all over the world to Indian soil and no nation, however influential or arrogant, has the right to question the secularist framework of this country.
Jai Hind!
Yes, Dalaï Lama is a great messenger of peace and he is always welcome everywhere, excepted in China.
That is a much awaited post.. wonder why India is so Chinaphobic... arent we equipped as wel.. why dont our leaders have the guts to tell them to F^&*( off..? isnt it clear that they have direct and indirect role in the terror outspread in India.. will the Indian dealership/leadership wake up and stop professing stupid slogans like Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai ,,,?
You are absolutely right! More power to you!
yea......Dalai Lama is great....he's been the symbol of peace all around the world......
however....China never supported his visits to India....heard a comment from China's some external affair minister that...Dalai Lama is free to go anywhere in India.....and i know they never mean it.....it's sad....
also they are breaching into our borders god knows when the government will do something against it???
No doubts, Dalai Lama is the greatest messenger of peace! China is behaving like a fanatic......
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