Friday, November 13, 2009

Forbes' list of world's most powerful

Forbes, the American magazine popular for its ‘Lists’ was always interesting and read with respect. The research methodologies followed by Forbes to prepare these Lists is undoubtedly the best. The Magazine is considered to be a dependable Index for Entrepreneur’s all over the world and equally an inspiration for the new comers.

But unfortunately the recently published ‘Most Powerful’ persons list is disturbing and equally illogical.

On Top of the list are the world’s best 'Arms Leaders(dealers)' and mafia dons. It is no secret that many mighty groups from Western and European nations are having direct or indirect involvement in the Arms deal in most of the war-torn African countries. These Africans have food or not; but for sure they will have a state of the art Russian made Kalashnikov or a Chinese or European made weapon and ammunition even when they sleep. Remember! The miseries in Rwandas’, Congos’ and Darfur’s are not God’s creation………………

On what parameter is this ‘World’s Most Powerful’ list made?

And how come Osama is ranked 37 and The Dalai Lama 39 and Dawood is ranked at 50 while Queen Elizabeth is not in the list at all. And host Oprah Winfrey at 45 though she deserves to be on top 20.

There are many great souls who silently makes a difference in others lives and thought processes. These are the real 'Powerful' and the ones who should be present in this list.

In spite of its popularity and credibility why Forbes act like that ‘Attention seeking’ kid....

(pic taken from net)*


Maria said...

One man's hero is another man's terrorist....

KParthasarathi said...

Different people,different strokes.Many of such selections are coloured by bias or other vested interests.Even the selections for Nobel prize are questioned.

cristinasiqueira said...

Hy Greener,

Nobel for power of LOVE!

Kisses for you


Visit me

Rajesh said...

The nature or means of power is no longer important. As long as one able to dictate terms to others he is powerful.

claude said...

I think I cannot buy this magazine in my town. And If I could to difficult to me to read all in english.

Indolence is a delightful but distressing state; we must be doing something to be happy. Action is no less necessary than thought to the instinctive tendencies of the human frame.