Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Toys from Nature!!

All toys here are made out of coconut palm leaves and various other parts of coconut tree. As they say: Toys makes kids Think! And yes these were toys which instigated the creative imagination of many Indian kids in the past and even continues to fascinate them in some far off villages.

Specs ('Olakkannadi' in local lanugage)

In those good old days, we use to make these toys ourselves...a 'knowledge' that is transferred from generation to generation.

Fan (Kattadi)

The faster you run with this fan.....the faster the fan act which fills our heart and one can see the immense satisfaction and glee in our faces......

Snake (Olappambu)

This was mostly used on the first of April and even to scare kids......some kids would cry heart out seeing seldom find such innocent kids today... :)

Watch (Olakkhadikaram)

A watch of your own! You are on top of the world when you wear this watch. Even a few thousand dollar Rolex watch today cannot give you the same level of gratification what you had back then.....

Spoon (Plavilakkumbile)

This is not just a toy.....its is used at homes as a spoon to drink/eat rice olden days its used every older version of 'use and throw' stuff ;-).....This is made by folding Jackfruit leaves and a small pointed piece of thin stick (this wooden piece is again from coconut leaves)

Whistle (Peepee)

While blowing from the thinner edge...this 'instrument' makes a lovely musical sound.....

Baby rattle (Kilukku or Kunukku)

This toy sometimes comes with one or two more sticks pricked here and there.....this toy when rotates will make some funny noise when those tiny sticks rub each mainly used when kids cry for no reason;)......and also used by elders while playing cards....(the looser wear this on their ears)

(all pics from net)*


Sandy said...

GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!

Greener Bangalore said...

yeah Sandy.......dats right :)

lakshmi said...

nice ones...i remember playing with that type of watches and fan. Also my mama used to make rattles with them...put small stones and make it...oh loved the sound

Greener Bangalore said...

oh thats nice Lakshmi....i am glad that i took back you to your childhood days at least for a few minutes.....and that was of course the intention of this post....Thanks!

Haddock said...

Had seen most of these long back, but the spectacle is new for me.

Anonymous said...

How creative!! I've never seen anything like this before. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Oh this is an excellent post. I would encourage you to show more things like this as they are all new to me and to most people in the Western World.

Madhu said...

Wonderful buddy, keep posting..

Greener Bangalore said...

Yes Haddock specs is relatively new though I have seen in my childhood.....

Yes Heather it is very much creative....and there are lot many thing those older generation make with these leaves, stem and nuts....

Thanks Abraham for the visit and comments....nice to know that you all liked the post....keep visiting.....Thanks again.......

Thanks are you? not seeen these days online?? :)

Laks said...

its remember my old childhood "OOLA RIDE"

Greener Bangalore said...

heheh thats right was fun....One sitting on a big coconut leave and one pulling it from one end sledging on those narrow village mud roads......with almost tearing the knickers of the one sitting on the leaf by the end of the journey:)

claude said...

In West French Indies I bought a basket made with leaves coconuttree.

Tania said...

This is very nice! And so green and fresh:-)
Wish you a Happy Easter!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful toys. This reminded me of my childhood.

Viji said...

What an eco friendly toys! Very pretty...

Greener Bangalore said...

Hey Claude thats great....Indian people are by default a West Indian fan (coz of cricket and also there some extended roots from southern India about 200+ years) and yes there are many places in India which is similar to WI

Hi Spider....Belated Easter wishes and Thanks man.....Yes Green Green Greener :)

Yes Rajesh that was the Intention of the post...Thanks and glad to know that....

Yeah thats right Vij.....Eco-friendly is the word!!!!! :)

Glennis said...

As green as green can be! Don't let these natural toys be forgotten.
I especially liked the spoon leaf, it really works and as you say is a real use and throw that costs nothing and is truly renewable every day, providing you have a tree with suitable leaves. But I had never seen this idea before.
Great post!

betty-NZ said...

Those are rather cool! We used to make the 'snake' out of gum wrappers back in the '60s!



Indolence is a delightful but distressing state; we must be doing something to be happy. Action is no less necessary than thought to the instinctive tendencies of the human frame.