The jungle lodges, literally in the middle of thick forest is fenced and well protected. This is an awesome place to spend a couple of days with your friends and family. It is an amazing place to visit. we had a nice time here inside the forest for two days.
A small lake near our stay........
Our team just before setting out for trekking.........
thats peace.........
making our own paths............ :)
team on top of the rock.......... :)
independent cottages.......available for very reasonable rent......
the interiors are pretty neat and well maintained...........
another cottage...............
this is the front portion of dormitory........
a squirrel just in search of ...........
hope you all enjoyed........ and thank you...... :-)
Awesome snaps....beautiful scenery :)
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Thanks for your comment Reggie
Very nice Blog ...great photography..keep it coming..look forward to seeing more entries..
Very nice Blog..Beautiful Place..Keep up the good work...look forward to seeing more entries!
Thank you for following my blogger backgrounds site. It is always refreshing to be introduced to other area's of our world, places I'll never step foot on where others can and share it with us :o). Great photos!
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