"asato ma satgamaya
tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
mrtyorma amrtam gamaya"
(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — scripted around 2800 years ago)
"Guide us from darkness to light from unawareness to awareness; from incompleteness to totality.. Let that be our impulse... Let us believe or not trust in that ‘ultimate reality’..Let us be irreligious or religious…..
O, Guru, help me liberated myself from my various misunderstandings regarding myself, the universe and God and Grace me with true knowledge."
'Our Lady of Fatima' shrine on the way to our school. As kids we use to go visit this church and kneel just like our christian friends do. And one of our Anglo-Indian friend use to recite some prayers, which we repeat.
Wish this sort of combined prayers continue with the new generation kids too.......
Easily a century old typical kerala style house with full of greenery all around.
The technique and info on making these types of houses was preserved by trained architect-painters who are well versed in the science of 'Vaastushastra'. Much of the rules of construction are codified clearly and neatly in this.
The tainted bulb holder and a hole in the roof........
The bug
spidermaan ! spidermaan! friendly neighborhood spidermaaaaan.....
Why this idiot needs my picture ?? See how uncomfortably close he stands and takes my picture@@.... that too without my permission.....@@
When will these 'people' grow @@@?? Do we ever try to peek into their bed rooms @@@ ?? Manner less creatures.....Come Darly!! Lets find some other place for romance!!!
Oh no....here again he comes.......Hey you!! don't you understand or don't you respect the feelings of other beings ??? Do you think you people are the only one who lives in this planet earth @@@ ??? Get Lost !!!

A tribal kid with his 'Catapult'. The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has been doing a wonderful job for the last few years in finding and training kids from various parts of India, especially in tribal areas to find out talents in Archery, Swimming and Canoeing. But the fact is neither India hit the 'bulls eye' or found the 'Target' so far......There is enough talent.....Awesome Trainers.....But then why ???...... something fishy in the selection process ????
The Endless Road !!!
Thank You!
Great post and some really great photos, too :o)
Lovely prayer... but those bugs gave me the creeps!! Yuck!!
But beautiful pictures, as always. :)
Very interesting post...and funny too! The mantra is one of my favorite...
Hahahahahahaha!! I like the way you put words into those ants mouths. :D
Terrific Photo's!!
Love all your photos! You're a very clever writer also.
the verse is so beautiful. the house looks fasninating
Nara...lovlee wrk again... r those snaps clikd by u only?
like Kelly said..
"asato ma satgamaya
tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
mrtyorma amrtam gamaya"..
is also my fav mantra...
Liked ur post again.. n tht ant wording r funny..
keep up d gud wrk..
all d very best
- sri
hahah what a question sri......very sad :(........anyway i will take it as a compliment....yes all that posted here in this blog is my snaps...
Hi Heather and Heather, Kelly, Annie, Sheila and Tina....Thanks
Thank you for yout visit and your kind comment. I enjoy myself in writting and showing some photos every morning and I enjoy to know some bloggers enjoy my blog.
Thank you so much for visiting and commenting Claude....Keep visiting.....Thanks
hey!your blog is nice
visit mine
nice entry! GREAT pics nara ;)
yeah..its v imp when we sing our prayers to kno the actual meaning behind the humming..nicely written
left a thankyou note for you on my blog :)
Awesome pictures Nara!!!! I adore the one of that sweet little boy. But............I no like the spider!! ewwww........
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Hi OLY,Sandy,Rush and Reggie....Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your continuous motivational comments....
and Rush you are such a darling to all of us.....and your idea of introducing many of us in your blog was a great idea and it shows your concern for fellow bloggers...I am elated that you included me in your favorites list....Thanks a lot dear...Keep up the good job.....God bless you!
Excellent pictures. Absolutely lovely. Thanks for posting them.
Beautiful pictures and message! I came here via Lilly Jones :-)
Hi Lily thank you for your valuable comments as usual and yes... Hi Darsden..Thanks for visiting and comments.....
Great post and I like the insect pictures.
Asatoma....is my fav Prayer....We recite this daily in my Yoga cl too:-)! Like Gayathri, this is Prayer for well being/knowledge and not specific to any God!
The pics give the effect of watching "National Geographic".....Simply Wonderful:-)
Ha ha ....now I noticed the similarity here in thinking.
Good pictures, especially of the ants.
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