I took photographs of these sketches, uploaded and added some color and effects to it :-)
(Obviously I did the easiest part ;-) )
Basically this form of art is to decorate courtyards and prayer halls mostly done by women and girls.

Eight_Lamps and_the_Lotus
Rice flour is the only ingredient used in those days and it is religiously followed by Hindus in most parts of India (in northern part of India they call it ‘Rangoli’ and in south ‘Kolam’).

Every early morning, after shower, women clear the courtyard with clean water; and do this art work with rice flour.

This has another interesting angle. This rice flour is nothing but, daily food for the insects, bugs and birds which gets attracted by rice flour. The next morning women clear the remains of yesterdays’ and clean as usual.

But nowadays, sandstone or limestone powder is used (which in fact don't serve the purpose) instead of rice flour, considering the fact that we have more mouths to feed than in the past ;)
Hey, very beautiful. Your mom is an artist. I liked all of them and "The_InterWoven" is superb.
Oh, my, these are wonderful!
Absolutely Stunning Art Nara!! Left Me Speechless! Really Really Amazing to say the least! There is an Antique Element to the Art..Really Wonderful! Compliments go to Ma :)
Sandy :)
This work is very beautiful. Your mother is very talented.
WOW!! She has very precise hand/eye coordination. I think I favor the second one best :o).
Beautiful work, so glad that you shared it with us. :D
(I like them all, but the second is my favorite as well!!)
Very Beautiful!
My favorite is the second!
These are beautiful. You should sell the prints or have notecards made of them. I would love to see more.
...beautiful. I love your mother's artwork. Thank you for sharing. Please post more of her work!
Beautiful sketches!! A Million Borders is my favorite! Adding color and effects was a great idea and didn't take away from the originals, I suspect...
Thanks for sharing!!
Nice kolam. When I was in Bangalore I used to do it in our front yard. It was a great game as we used to compete with neighbors on who does it best!
Thanks for the trip down the memory lane:)
Thank you all.....and will convey your Thanks to Ma
absolutely amazing..can i use one of them as my wallpaper?
Those are amazing!!!!!!
Such Detail!!!!!!
Work from home
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