Talakad is an ancient temple town on the banks of river Kaveri and is only 185 km from Bangalore and a very prominent pilgrim site. There are many temples on the river banks which are more than 1500 years old, built during the period of different dynasties like Ganga, Chola and Hoysala. As this huge area, over a period of time, got covered under sand dunes, the historical monuments were underneath for centuries.

These magnificent structures were under sand dunes for centuries. The whole area is protected by Archeological Survey of India

ISRO scientists is still mapping Talakat with its advanced technology and with satellite images they claim that there might be many more structures in the nearby areas

Claims are like 'sizeably big structures' burried about 175 to 200 metres and the excavation still continues

This shows clearly the height of the sand dunes

A small vessel made out of rock to store water

If you observe closely chest and tummy of this artwork, you can see face of the auspicious bull.

This 'Interlinked' carved out of single rock is a symbol of Architectural brilliance of Cholas which is seen in most of the temples the Cholas built

This is a boat to ferry the river

The river is very shallow during this time of the year and people enjoy playing in the water

we had a make shift tent

My cousins and nieces

An old house in the nearby village

Barista; chain coffee shop found anywhere in Bangalore and this one in the Bangalore Mysore road has 24/7 service

Break at 'Barista'