A folk singer at the foot hills at Shivagange
When asked her age, she was not sure and said 'around 100' in local language and said singing is her energy and inspiration. What an amazing Grandma she is. At this age she sings and some of the pilgrims offer her money which she obediently accepts. Though we have a system in place, here in India, to protect these age old artists, still there are many unanswered questions.......Anyway let Lord give her the strength to sing more and more songs till the last pilgrim leaves the temple premise......God Bless!
(note:a temple premise will never be empty)

The 'dark side' of a so called 'Sanyasi' up the hill
Unfortunately the word Sanyasi is been the most misused and distorted word and like-wise is the (mis)use of saffron attire by people from all sects of the society. Some use it as a 'cover' and a few others likes to cuddle inside the saffron clothes to get 'protected' by the religion.
Sad to admit that people from different culture mistakes and fails to understand the difference between real and the fake one.
An awareness campaign is very much required against the mis-use the saffron color which was once used by great saints like Adi Shankara and Swami Vivekananda

The 'Wunder kid' ....ooops i mean the Vendor's kid.
This kid keeps smiling all the time....though his dad kept him in a basket nearby and was busy selling drinks and biscuits to pilgrims and trekkers....

Creating 'Stepping Stones' for others
These are many skilled artisans and sculptors who work in stone and wood in many parts of India, particularly in southern states which are famous for its architectural brilliance. And yes, these centuries old skills are been taught in many colleges and schools which train those who are interested in Sculpture (various medium).

Yes here we go..... the 'Stepping stones'

'Rest in Peace'........Oh No!! Sorry!!...I mean.....'Peacefully Resting' on top of the hill ;-)

And here comes my favorites....'The Joint Family'

The naughty young one trying its best to come out of the 'Family Framework'

'Living on the edge'

Well!! the sky looks clearer and the tree blushing with her pink and red pimples also looks happier than ever.........Hope the coming days are so......

A small snake pit at the foot of a tree

No escaping from the tough routes that comes and creeps in, at the most unexpected of times........

Just wondering why no Political party has chosen this as their symbol. A very apt symbol for many.
Hope this time, the chameleon will not keep changing colors, after this Election

The Chameleon's view of sky from inside its small cave.
Yes when we step in their shoes, there is no color at all....Its a black and white world altogether...Just Black Inside........and White Outside.......
Thank you all....